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Due to high demand, we are running low on many items. Shipping is delayed. Stay tuned for updates. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Joe Bean Coffee

Joe Bean Coffee

Rochester, New York

At the core of Joe Bean is a diverse group of people—a combination of family and friends. What brought this diverse group together was a rally call to create a coffee-loving city—a call to bring specialty coffee to Rochester.

We focus on: 

Farm Relationships - Although the roasting process itself is relatively short, everything leading up to it requires diligence and patience. Making decisions about which coffees to bring in means our roasting team has established strong farm relationships, a refined palette, and an eye for outstanding coffee.

Flavor Profiling: To extract the exact flavor profile we want to showcase. A balanced process combining human touch with technology allows us to then recreate that precise profile each time we roast. Each batch is then cupped prior to leaving our roastery for absolute accuracy and consistency.

Conscious Roasting: We roast on state-of-the-art equipment, including an after-burner for a clean carbon footprint. In continuing our commitment to freshness, all coffee is shipped 1-2 days after roast. For total transparency, each hand-packed bag includes a “roasted on date” stamped on the bottom of your bag.

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