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Honey and Soul Baking

Honey and Soul Baking

New York, New York

Honey and Soul is a Paleo-friendly, grain-free baking company based in New York City. All of their goodies are handcrafted in small batches.

All of their desserts and treats are grain and gluten-free, soy-free, dairy-free, preservative-free and follow a Paleo guideline. They use honest, nourishing and high quality ingredients that you can pronounce. Canola Oil? Too processed. Xanthan Gum? Nope. Partially hydrogenated soybean oil? Never.

Each of their amazing treats have at least 6 grams of protein and 3g of fiber. No artificial protein or fiber added - all natural from our wholesome ingredients!

Many commercially available gluten-free products are neither grain free, nor are they soy-free or non-GMO. They pride ourselves on sourcing only the best quality ingredients.


Honey and Soul was founded by a reformed sweet tooth with a passion for food, fitness, and incredible scrutiny of nutrition labels.

Living in New York City, my access to phenomenal food and decadent desserts at restaurants and bakeshops was endless. However, after years of indulging in too much processed sugar, wheat, and dairy, I found myself battling intestinal issues, high cholesterol, and PCOS.  After discovering and following a Paleo (but still delicious) lifestyle, I found that my body was gradually healing. Every now and then, I would miss something sweet, but finding a nutritious and delicious dessert is no easy feat. There are still plenty of unwanted an unnatural additives (e.g. xanthan gum, corn syrup, etc) contained in treats that are labeled ‘gluten free’. The ones that have 'better' ingredients, just tasted too darn healthy. I knew that there were more people like me who are looking to satisfy their sweet tooth, without compromising their health. This is why I decided to create my own gourmet Paleo treats.

Is it really possible to make gluten free, Paleo friendly desserts better than the good ol’ fashion originals? I took up the challenge and here is proof that it is most certainly is.

These recipes for my treats are taste-tested and both Paleo and foodie approved.  Whether you are Paleo, gluten-sensitive, health-conscious, or just someone who appreciates great food, I welcome you to try our treats. 

Be well. Read nutrition labels. And most importantly, enjoy what you eat!

To your health,


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