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Call Me Caramel

Call Me Caramel

Brooklyn, New York
Call Me Caramel Founders Jessica Sennett and Steve Earthman have a knack for all things cheese and caramel. Jessica, an urban cheese maker, thought of the idea after hearing a monger describe an artisan cheese as "cheese candy." If cream and butter were frequently incorporated into caramel, why not cheese?!?! She proceeded to melt cheese into cream and butter and then folded it into caramelizing sugar. Steve, a cook, foodie and sugar fiend, tasted her first home made batch and was immediately sold. Together they refined the recipe, as well as chose to feature top quality Gruyère AOP in their caramel. The AOP mark stands for Appellation d'Origine Protégée which has been produced since the year 1115; over 900 years! The signature brothy, nutty, caramel-like notes make it a perfect pair for the caramels: as the cheese cooks, it releases savory, rich flavors that give the caramels their distinct taste. The luscious caramel is then finished with flake sea salt. Enjoy it with coffee, beer, whisky, fruit, or nuts. Perfect for cocktail parties and picnics, for melting over popcorn or ice cream. Of course, the caramel is also dangerously addictive on its own.

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